Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Just Some Random Images That Make Me Chuckle....

I think besides the DVR, the E-Reader, and maybe the Tablet, the camera phone may be one of the best technological inventions over the last decade. The camera phone allows people like me to capture humorous or interesting sights on a whim, spur of the moment. Here's just a few samples of some things I've captured and others that just make me laugh:

Yawn....yep, this guy has my vote.....found this driving around Woodward, OK

I think we can all relate to this guy's point, but maybe not enough to display it so prominently....

Just one? Really??? "Grand Opening...Grand Closing"

Saw this gem over the weekend in the restroom at a Jimmy Johns sandwich shop. It was on the floor right in front of the toilet. Very educational. I think Jimmy Johns just became one of my favorite restaurants.

Ok, this one I'm going to need some help with. In my part of the world you see these quite a bit. You see pick-up after pick-up lately with these bull "jewels" hanging off the back of their bumper. I've tried to figure out the reason as to "why?" on my own, but I don't get it. What's the message? What's the goal? What's worse is you're now seeing them in different colors and even in flesh colors like this:
I mean, are they in the business of "testes"? Is this their industry and are they just simply promoting their industry? Have they lost their "nuggets" and this is a memorial to their old buddies? Are these actual molds of their own "boys"? My sons have asked me countless times why these Billy Bobs do this, and I don't like being an uninformed father. Any help as to what the motivation is to hang bull "stones" from their vehicles would be greatly appreciated.

I witnessed this bad boy roll up in person at a travel stop in Western Oklahoma one day and it seriously stopped me in my tracks. Notice the attention to detail, the artwork, the pure brilliance! And I have to say the driver was one of the coolest older guys I have ever seen. I asked him if I could take a picture of his masterpiece and he just gave me a fist bump as he walked by, which I took as a "yes". Play on playa....:)

Deep're welcome.

And finally, folks.....a public service announcement. Let's put a stop to child abuse once and for all! Seriously. This poor child, and the vegetable of broccoli, for that matter, doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. Stop the madness! :)

And as always.......have a good week!!


  1. Hilarious!! I really would have loved to meet the guy that drives that car.

  2. Enjoyed your random thoughts! Keep thinking.

  3. SERIOUSLY have missed your crazy humor!!!

    1. Thanks Kristin! I got talked into doing a blog, as I wasn't convinced anyone would have enough interest to what I had to say. I will try and post more often. :) Hope you are doing well. Have a good Sunday!

  4. SERIOUSLY have missed your humor!! (Requested follow on IG as "littledragonflycreations)
