Monday, April 14, 2014

Westboro "Wackos"-Why do we give them any attention?

Well I have some thoughts on these pieces of trash that claim to be "Christians".... Why give them any attention at all? These total waste-of-our-oxygen-piece-of-trash-morons recently came to my home town to "protest" and inform the citizens of my great state as to why the deadly tornado  hit my town last spring. According to these psychos, God causes these horrible tragedies to happen because of how our society is "accepting of homosexuality." They have a disgusting view of the world, and my personal opinion is that they don't deserve a single ounce of attention from anyone. When they spew their hate across the country at selected locations, they want to fire people up, rile up communities, get coverage on the news, and tempt their opponents to act in a way that they normally would never even consider. They showed up one day a little over a week ago to a crowd that was about as fired up as you can get. And the little cowards weren't even able to protest for a few minutes before they tucked their tails and ran back to Kansas. Man, I'll tell you, I bet Kansas is proud of those arse-clowns. Don't get me wrong, I understand completely the ill feelings towards these people, and I share in those feelings. If there was one in front of me spewing their filth, I would probably jump at the chance to give them one of those large cartoon bumps on their heads. But, I would LOVE for someday, hopefully sooner rather than later, for them to show up to a protest and NOT ONE person shows up. NOT ONE television station gives them any attention, NOT ONE car even honks or slows down when passing by the "Turds from Kansas." How awesome would it be if we just treated them like we treat those Little Caesars employees standing out near the street, holding and spinning their little signs, while nobody even pays them any attention? You know something like this:

"Hi, I'm a Wacko!"
"Hi, my Westboro buddies and I want to take the Hell Express!"
Whenever I see or hear anything about these people for some reason, I can't help but to take them about as serious as Sponge Bob and Squidward. I'm immediately reminded of that episode that my kids have seen at least 1,000 times where Sponge Bob and Squidward went on strike to protest their pitiful wages Mr. Krabs was paying them. And to their dismay, nobody paid them any attention, because their cause had zero importance, just like the Wackos!

I'm not naive enough to think that the Westboro Yahoos won't continue to get the attention they seek, but it's a nice thought. All in all, I'm proud of the pride the citizens of our state, and city, for that matter, have shown recently. If you show up here acting a fool and try to disrespect us after one of the most terrible tragedies we've ever had to endure, then you better be prepared for some resistance. A local sign here summed up the situation best...

God Bless Moore, OK
Just my opinions, take them for what their worth. And as usual...

Have a good week!!!!


  1. We really should stop giving them what they want. They just make it so hard to ignore them!

  2. They're a joke. And not even a really funny one...

  3. Why you hating on Little Caesars? :-P

  4. No hate, trust me. I'm a fan of Little Caesars and we are customers, just using the guys out there with signs as references. I give it up to them for standing out there and some if them are pretty entertaining. It's all good! :)
