Sunday, April 6, 2014

What the heck is someone like me doing "blogging"?

Not sure really, but I'm going to wing it and give it a shot. Like alot of guys, I married over my head. I have an amazing wife that keeps me grounded and in line. I have two great boys, Mason, age 14 and Evan, age 10. They are good examples of how God for sure has a sense of humor because there is a reason I was given two boys. PAYBACK! I wouldn't change it for the world though. My family is my whole world, my reason to get up every morning and will be my priority until I take my last breath. But I also understand life is not forever and you need to have fun along the ride. Here's some examples of my blessings:
My wife Shelley recently won Teacher of the Year at her school, she's an amazing Pre-school teacher

The boys chillin' in Galveston-summer 2013

Shelley and I celebrating her, umm...err..."29th" birthday, yep..."29th"

First day of 4th grade-Evan

First day of 8th grade-Mason

Daddy's little dork..

Daddy's other little dork...

Branson Boys-Yee Haw!!!

Easter 2013

Cousin Eddie Christmas!
Like I always say, you have to find time for fun and laughter. Have a good week!
